Stephanie Dietrich is a professor in diaconal studies at VID Specialised University in Oslo, Norway. She is affiliated to the VID Faculty of Theology, Diakonia and Leadership Studies in Oslo and the VID Centre for Mission and Global Studies in Stavanger, and is the leader of the interdisciplinary research group CODE (diaconal community development) at VID. Dietrich is also ordained priest in Church of Norway (Lutheran). She is leading the PARI project from the Norwegian partner side, and participates especially in the project groups on theology and workshops with religious actors and volunteers.
Dietrich has many years of experience within ecumenical dialogue and international cooperation, and projects connected to diaconal community development in countries of the global south. Amongst others, she is member of the International Joint Orthodox-Lutheran Theological Study Commission since 2004, and the Faith and Order Commission within the World Council of Churches.
She has published and edited books and articles within the field of ecumenical research and diaconal studies.
Selected recent publications:
(for overview over publications, see
- Zo Ramiandra Rakotoarison, Stephanie Dietrich, Heikki Tuomas Hiilamo (2020): “Tackling Poverty with Local Assets: A Case Study on Congregational Asset-Based Community Development in a Lutheran Church in Madagascar”, in Journal for the Study of Christian Social Practice, Volum: 10:2; pp.119 – 140. (
- Stephanie Dietrich (220): “Zukunftsperspektiven der Ökumene- Reflexionen aus lutherischer Sicht”, in MD: Materialdienst des Konfessionskundlichen Instituts Bensheim, Vol. 71; 2-3, pp.54 – 56.
- Stephanie Dietrich, Knud Jørgensen, Kari Korslien, Kjell Nordstokke (eds.) (2019): The Diaconal Church, Oxford: Regnum Publishing House.
- : Stephanie Dietrich (2019): “Ecclesiology on the Move: Rethinking the Church in a Diaconal Perspective”, pp. 15-26.
- : Stephanie Dietrich (2019): “Risen to a New Life in Christ: Baptismal Perspectives on Diaconal Ecclesiology”, pp. 83-96.
- Stephanie Dietrich (2018): “God’s Mission as a Call for Transforming Unity”, in: International Review of Mission, Vol. 107:2, pp.378 – 390. (
- Stephanie Dietrich (2016): ““Poverty Has a Woman’s Face”: Theological Arguments for a Gender-based Approach to Diakonia”, in: Diakonia in a Gender Perspective (2016), Stephanie Dietrich, Knud Jørgensen, Kari Korslien, Kjell Nordstokke (eds.), Oxford: Regnum Publishing House, pp.11-23.