Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
“The Role of Religion and Religious Actors in Roma Social Inclusion: Towards a Participatory Approach” – PARI – RO-NO-2019-0586
Our country still has a lot of unused human potential in terms of the Roma population, relatively young compared to the majority Romanian population.
Their inclusion in the social and economic life has been the subject of much debate.
Our project wonders what potential religious actors have in the inclusion of the Roma in the modern society.
The project has three directions: the first, to analyze the last 300 years in terms of the relationship of religious actors with the Roma community, the second direction aims at an in-depth analysis of exemplary communities through empirical research and development of pilot projects in Romania and Norway, and the third direction deals with the experience of relevant actors and volunteers and the encouragement of good practices to act towards Roma inclusion and to open perspectives for broader projects in the future.

Stefan Tobler
Project Manager

Tor Slettebø

Sabina Luca

Stephanie Dietrich
Researcher & Coordinator
What We Do
— We make research
on the relationship between the religious actors and Roma people, on the history of the last 3 centuries in this sense and on the theological convictions that can lead to a better life together and a real inclusion.
— We build networks
between Romania and Norway through a strong partnership and among local faith communities that intend to cooperate in achieving the goals of our project.
— We encourage
coping with the mistakes of the past and finding new ways to deal with the problem of the present.
— We dare
to apply a promising method called participatory approach and to believe that change is possible.