Published articles
- “If we throw the Roma out of the tent, we throw Jesus out of the tent”: Reflections on the role of religious actors in Roma inclusion in Oslo, Norway – Bjørn Hallstein Holte, Stephanie Dietrich, Review of Ecumenical Studies 14 (2022/3) -
Link - Faith on the Margins: Religion and Civic Emancipation among Roma People during Communist Rule in Romania - Manuela Marin, Review of Ecumenical Studies 14 (2022/3) -
Link - The Religious Affiliations of the Romanies from post-socialist Romania. A Diagnosis of the In-Group Academic Productions – Marian Zăloagă, Review of Ecumenical Studies 14 (2022/3) -
Link - Perceptions and Misperceptions on Roma People during the First Half of the 20TH Century. A Glimpse into the Romanian Press – Daniela Popescu, Review of Ecumenical Studies 14 (2022/3) -
Link - Istoricizarea critică a producției de cunoaștere, politici identitare și „noile” studii rome” (Critical Historicization of Knowledge Production, Identity Politics and the "New" Romani Studies. A Review Essay) – Marian Zăloagă, Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Socio- Umane ”Gheorghe Sincai” 25 (2022) -
Link - Religious affiliation as a political site of contestation? Polemical voices of a new generation of Romanian Romani authors – Marian Zăloagă, Acta Marisiensis. Seria Historia 4 (2022) -
Link - Diaconal service provision for Roma migrants in Oslo, Norway, at the intersection of migration control, a universalistic welfare state, and religious underpinnings - Bjørn Hallstein Holte, Religions 2023, 14(7) -
Link - Postsekulære tilnærminger. Nye muligheter for sosialt arbeid i Norge - Bjørn Hallstein Holte / Randi Synnøve Tjernæ, Nordic Journal of Practical Theology, 40 (2/2023) -
Link - Exploring Hidden Costs of Seasonal Migration in Agriculture within Roma Communities of Origin: Evidence from Romania – Sorina Corman and Alin Croitoru, Societies 2023, 13(11) -
Link - Failed Integration, Failed Emancipation / The Case of Roma Civic Activism in Communist Romania – Manuela Marin, Czech Journal of Contemporary History (2023) -
Link - Religiosity and Autoethnography. Prospecting the life - narratives of two Romanian Roma from post-communist Romania – Marian Zăloagă, Acta Marisiensis Seria Historia, Volume 5 (2023) -
Link - Ethno-cultural identity: Roma from Transylvania and Oltenia and the pride of belonging to the community – Sabina Luca, Studia Universitatis Cibiniensis. Series Historica (2023) -
Link - General opinions and beliefes about the Romanian Roma people’s religious confessions during the 1920s and 1930s – Daniela Popescu, Revista Banatica (2023) -
Link - The Census of the Roma Community from Podu Ilioaei (Iassy County) between 1832 and 1837 – Bogdan Andriescu, Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Socio-Umane Sibiu (2023) - Indexed in Ceeol, ERIH +, Index Copernicus, Google Scholar – Not open access.