Manuela Marin

Manuela Marin is a museum curator at The National Museum of Transylvanian History in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Her role in the PARI Project is researcher in the field of history focusing on the role played by the Romanian Orthodox Church in the lives of Roma people during the communist period (1948-1989).

Manuela Marin got her PhD in Romanian contemporary history in 2008. Her main research interest is related to Nicolae Ceauşescu’s regime and his cult of personality, on which she published two books, Nicolae Ceausescu. Omul și Cultul [Nicolae Ceausescu. The Man and His Cult] and Între trecut și prezent: cultul personalității lui Nicolae Ceaușescu și opinia publică românească [Between Past and Present: Nicolae Ceausescu’s Cult of Personality and the Romanian Public Opinion]. Other areas of interest are: history of the communism in Romania, everyday life during communism, popular culture, national minorities (Roma, Turks, Tatars) and religion during communism. Since 2014, she was a member in different research projects that approched topics related to the communist period, including the religion, national minorities, and cultural resistance.


Representative Publications:

Marin, Manuela, Romii şi regimul comunist: marginalizare, integrare şi opoziţie (2 vol., Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca, 2017.

Marin, Manuela, Nicolae Ceauşescu. Omul şi cultul, Editura Cetatea de Scaun, Târgovişte, 2016.

Cupcea, Adriana, Manuela Marin, Metin Omer, Seminarul Musulman din Medgidia: Documente şi memorie/The Muslim Seminary of Medgidia: Documents and Memory, Editura ISPMN, Cluj-Napoca, 2016.

Marin, Manuela, “We Thank You, Our Beloved Leader! The Origins and Evolution of Nicolae Ceaușescu’s Cult of Personality”, in Kirill Postoutenko, Darin Stephanov, Ruler Personality Cults from Empires to Nation-States and Beyond. Symbolic Patterns and Interactional Dynamics, Routledge, 2020.

“PCR și Nicolae Ceaușescu”, în Liliana Corobca (ed.), Panorama comunismului în România, Editura Polirom, Iași, 2020, pp. 122-141.

“Romii și regimul communist din România”, în Liliana Corobca (ed.), Liliana Corobca (ed.), Panorama comunismului în România, Editura Polirom, Iași, 2020, pp. 465-477.

Marin Manuela, “For Our Beloved Leader: Nicolae Ceaușescu’s Propaganda Portraits”, în Luciano Cheles, Alessandro Giacone (ed.), The Political Portrait. Leadership, Image and Power, Routledge, New York, 2000, pp. 191-213.

Marin Manuela, “The Struggle for the Minds of the Youth: The Securitate and Musical Countercultures in Communist Romania”, in Joachim C. Häberlen, Mark Keck-Szajbel, and Kate Mahoney (eds.), The Politics of Authenticity. Countercultures and Radical Movements across the Iron Curtain 1968-1989, Berghahn Books, 2019.